January 27, 2022
KYC Update
MauBank wishes to inform its valued customers that pursuant to Section 64B of the Banking Act, the bank has an ongoing legal and regulatory duty to keep customer due diligence information up to date. In this context, the bank is currently updating information it holds for all its customers.
In line with the Terms and Conditions set out by the bank, Individual and Business Account Bearers whose data might have changed during the last 12 months are kindly requested to ensure that they update the bank with the latest Customer Due Diligence (CDD) information and documents.
Data include Name, Address, ID Number/Passport Number, Marital Status, Phone Number, Occupation, Email Address, and where applicable Trade/Business License, Business Registration Number and Ultimate Beneficial Owner information.
Individual Customers
In case of any recent change in residential address, marital status, ID/Passport Number or employment details, customers are kindly requested to call at the nearest MauBank Business Centre with an original version of the related document, from Monday to Thursday, between 09:00 and 15:30, and between 09:00 and 16:30 on Fridays.
• Change of Mobile Number and Email Address may be made in the “Service Requests/Personal Info Update” section of the App WithMe, or on the bank’s website at: https://forms.maubank.mu/Forms/eregistration
• For change in residential address, customers should bring along a recent utility bill (UB). (CWA/CEB/Mauritius Telecom of less than 3 months) which is in their name.
If the UB is not in their name, they should bring along original of a supporting document to establish relationship with the UB holder, for example either birth certificate, marriage certificate or letter from landlord or partner and his/her identity card, as applicable.
SME, Corporate & International Banking Customers
Local and international business customers are requested to contact their Relationship Managers to notify any change related to their account information, beneficial ownership details including the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Declaration Form.
MauBank wishes to thank all its customers and stakeholders for their cooperation.
For any queries, please call on 405 9400 from Monday to Friday, between 09:00 and 17:00.
La Direction
MauBank Ltd
27 janvier 2022