The welfare of one’s family is our number one priority. To safeguard that welfare, it is important to offer the family sufficient financial protection during hard times. This can be achieved through careful and judicious financial planning.
Life Assurance policy provides cash payment in the event of death of the person insured. In addition, the insurance cover can also be extended to provide benefits in case of total and permanent disability or a serious illness.
Endowment Policy- is a life Assurance policy where you contribute regularly to receive a sum of money at the end of a specified period.
Decreasing Term Assurance- the Sum assured decreases linearly from date of assurance to maturity date so at maturity the Sum Assured becomes NIL. No sum insured is payable at maturity.
Level Term Assurance- the Sum Assured remains fixed from date of assurance to maturity date but at maturity date the sum Assured becomes NIL. The Premium under LTA is slightly higher than that under DTA. In case of death/TPD Claim the Sum Assured is payable and policy ceases.
Optional coverage is available, thus enabling you to tailor your policy to your financial situation.